Privacy Policy
נא לקרוא ולהבין את הקטע הזה ביסודיות לפני גישה או שימוש באתר זה.
לפני גישה או שימוש במידע (להלן “מידע”) באתר הזה, אתה מסכים להיות מחויב על פי הסכם זה. המידע, התכנים והשירותים באתר זה מסופקים בכפוף להסכמתך לתנאים שלהלן.
מידע משפטי
כל הסימנים המסחריים, סימני המסחר הרשומים, החומרים המוגנים בזכויות יוצרים באתר הינם בבעלות בעליהם החוקיים, אלא אם צוין אחרת.
המידע באתר
האתר כולל סוגים שונים של תוכן ובכלל זה טקסט, תמונות, סרטונים, נתונים וקבצים (להלן תוכן).
התוכן באתר נועד לספק מידע כללי בלבד ואינו מהווה המלצה או חוות דעת. המשתמש מצהיר בזאת כי ידוע לו כי התוכן באתר מבוסס, בן השאר, על דיווחי משתמשים אחרים באתר.
מפעילת האתר אינה אחראית בשום מקרה לטעויות, שגיאות ו/או לכל הסתמכות שתתבצע ביחס למוצג באתר.
מפעילת האתר אינה בהכרך מזהה, בודקת, מנפה או מסננת את המשתמשים באתר ואת התכנים המתפרסמים בו.
ההפניות (לינקים) לאתרים אחרים מתוך האתר נועדו לשם הנוחות בלבד.
השימוש באתרים אלו הינה באחריות המשתמש בלבד.
מפעילת האתר אינה אחראית לתוכן פרסומי המופיע באתר – האחריות על התוכן הפרסומי תחול על המפרסם בלבד.
מפעילת האתר וספקיה מסירים מעצמם כל אחריות מפורשת ובין משתמעת ביחס לתוכן, מידע, שירותים, וחומרים הכלול באתר זה, לרבות, ללא כל הגבלה משתמעת לסחירות, התאמה למטרה מסוימת, ו/או הפרה.
כל מידע, שירותים, והחומרים מסופקים “כפי שהם” ו “לפי זמינות” ללא אחריות מכל סוג שהוא.
מפעילת האתר לא תישא באחריות לכל הוצאה ו/או נזק, עקיף ו/או ישיר, שיגרמו למשתמש כתוצאה משימוש באתר ובשירותיו.
על ידי הרשמתך לאתר אתה מסכים לשפות, את מפעילת האתר ו/או שותפיה וספקיה מכל תביעה, אחריות, אובדן והוצאות (לרבות שכר טרחת עורך דין) הנובעים מהפרה של הסכם זה.
תכני גולשים
מפרסם התכנים באתר מצהיר בזאת כי אין שום מגבלה המונעת ממנו להעביר לאתר תוכן ו/או לפרסמו באתר ברבים, המשתמש מצהיר כי הוא בעל הזכויות הבלעדיות על התוכן המפורסם, והוא מפרסם אותו בכפוף לתקנון האתר.
מפעילת האתר לא תשא באחריות לגבי תביעות בנושא זכויות היוצרים של התוכן המפורסם, האחראי הבלעדי הינו מפרסם התוכן.
אין לפרסם או להעביר באמצעות האתר תוכן פוגע בפרטיות, מעליב, שקרי, משמיץ, מאיים, פורנוגרפי, בעל אופי מיני, גזעני, או בלתי חוקי.
שינויים באתר
מפעילת האתר וספקיה עשויים לבצע שיפורים ו/או שינויים במידע, שירותים, מוצרים, וחומרים אחרים באתר זה, בכל עת וללא הודעה מוקדמת.
מפעילת האתר עשויה לשנות הסכם זה בכל עת, וכל שינוי כאמור ייכנס לתוקף מיד עם פרסומו.
לפיכך, אתה מסכים לבחון הסכם זה מעת לעת.המשך השימוש באתר תיחשב כהסכמה לאמור בו.
הצהרת פרטיות
המידע האישי אשר נאגר באתר הינו למטרת שימוש פנימי.
גוגל (Google) כמשווק צד שלישי, משתמשת בקובצי “Cookie” בכדי להציג מודעות מותאמות באתר.
בעזרת השימוש בקובץ Cookie של DART, יכולה גוגל להציג למשתמשים מודעות מותאמות אישית.
משתמשים רשאים לבטל את השימוש בקובץ Cookie של DART על ידי ביקור במדיניות הפרטיות של רשת המודעות והתוכן של Google.
As of May 25, 2018, the new Privacy Policy will enter into force according to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 regarding the protection of natural persons in regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of said data and by which Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR) is repealed.
Responsible entity
Dardasim LTD
email: admin @
This privacy statement informs you about what personal data we collect within the framework of our offers and games on the Internet, and how that data is processed and used. The protection of your personal data is very important to us.
Your data is insured against abuse and loss. We have taken the necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure that both our internal and external collaborators comply with the instructions on data protection.
This privacy statement contains clear and transparent information to ensure that people who visit our site and consumers are well informed about the collection, processing and use of their personal data.
Personal information
Personal data is information related to an identified or identifiable natural person (eg name, address, telephone number, date of birth or email address).
In da we collect the following personal data when registering the user and using our services: Name, surname, email, sex, date of birth, IP address and some other non-personal data such as local flash data and statistical information such as browser type, operating system, URL that directed you to our website, date and time.
The data you provide to are included in our files registered with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (hereinafter, “AEPD”) which is responsible for ensuring compliance with Spanish laws on privacy and data protection and to guarantee the security and privacy of your personal data.
Basically, you can use our online offer without providing personal information, although certain services may require, such as registration for our games and services or participation in any competition.
Legal basis and purposes of data processing
We collect personal information for the following purposes:
the provision of this offer online and the fulfillment of a contract in accordance with our terms of service.
that you enter by registering on our website or in one of our games to allow identification as a user and give you access to the mobile services and applications that we put at your disposal.
If you enter them in order to make a query.
If you enter them with the objective of using and paying for services and payment benefits.
that our ads or those of third parties, market studies and measurement of scope can make use of it up to the limits allowed by law or according to the consent given.
comply with legal obligations, especially conservation duties.
We also process remote usage data to the extent that these are necessary for the fulfillment of the services or the payment of them. This data includes, especially, game processes and game states, as well as information about the purchase and payment of services. We also use your data to communicate with you. This includes, in particular, the preparation of aid and support, as well as the preparation of important information about your contract. Always with your consent, we inform you periodically about news, events and actions by email.
Data protection in the application process
We collect the personal data of the applicants to process applications, which will be saved at the time of acceptance. Legal regulations must be observed. In case of refusal, the application documents will be deleted within a period not exceeding two months. An exception would be, for example, if we were to retain the application documents as evidence in a process or if there were other legitimate interests. We will ask for your consent if we must retain your application documents in our databases for a longer period of time than usual. In these cases it will be done as provided by law.
Financial information
For the correct achievement of some services, especially the payment processes, the user can use the services of third parties outside Moosite, (Paypal, Toditocash, PaySafeCard, etc.), These companies outside Moosite are obliged to process their data Safe and confidential way. In this way, the operation related to your credit card or any other personal data related to the payment, will be processed directly by these companies so that Moosite will not have access to the data of your credit card or other payment systems that you use. For this purpose, we recommend that before proceeding to the payment you read the conditions of the corresponding payment service provider and if you do not agree with their conditions do not proceed to make the payment.
Consequently, the data collected for the acquisition of MINICOINS will be entered and transmitted directly by you to the entity that owns the payment gateway, without Moosite SL having access to the data of the economic transaction, Moosite SL will only know the amount of money you have deposited in the purchase to exchange it for Minicoins.
The payment services that are made available to you are provided exclusively by those responsible, without Moosite SL intervening in such operations, so we recommend that you carefully read the contracting conditions of the provider of the payment services you choose, given that Moosite SL is a third party outside this relationship
Cookies and registration data collection
In relation to the use of our web pages, forums and games, we collect the following non-personal data:
IP addresses with temporary data.
Cookies, local flash data.
Statistical information, for example, browser type, operating system, URL that directed you to our website, date, time, pages used, duration of use, frequency of use.
However, these are not used for any personal use, but only for a statistical evaluation of anonymous data.
We store the IP addresses and the corresponding Internet data for a maximum period of six months within the framework of our legal conservation obligations. Otherwise, they can be saved for data security reasons, to ensure the stability and operational security of our system. We also use only in isolated cases your IP address and corresponding Internet data to prevent multiple abusive uses of accounts for fraudulent purposes. We will request your consent for this use in the respective game conditions of the affected games.
Despite being implicitly extracted in this privacy statement, we expressly state again that we collect and use cookies to offer optimal use of our portal, as well as our games and services (to improve the "user experience") . By accepting our CGC, you consent to such use of cookies. Later, you may revoke this consent at any time.
If you want more information or have questions about cookies, you can visit our Cookies Policy link on our website (
You can deactivate the storage of cookies in your browser settings and delete those that are already stored whenever you want. However, keep in mind that this online offer may not work or do so only on a limited basis without them.
Also, keep in mind that the creation of usage profiles is partly avoided through rejection cookies. If you delete all cookies, your preferences may not be taken into account and we may have to ask for them again.
Data transmission and service providers
We will treat your data in a strictly confidential manner and, therefore, we will not transmit it to third parties, unless you have expressed your express consent. However, in isolated cases we may be required by law to transmit your data without your consent, for example, to the authorities.
In these cases, the transmission will only be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Law that is regulated through art.11 .:
The personal data subject to processing may only be communicated to a third party for the purposes of directly related to the legitimate functions of the transferor and the assignee with the prior consent of the interested party.
The consent required in the previous section will not be necessary:
when the transfer is authorized in a Law.
in the case of data collected from sources accessible to the public.
When the treatment responds to the free and legitimate acceptance of a legal relationship whose development, compliance and control implies the connection of said treatment with third-party files.
When the communication to be made is addressed to the Ombudsman, the Fiscal Ministry or the Judges or Courts, in the exercise of the functions assigned to it.
The consent will be void when for the communication of personal data to a third party, the information provided to the interested party does not allow him to know the purpose for which the data whose communication is authorized or the type of activity of the person to whom pretend to communicate
We also employ third parties to perform certain services on our behalf. This refers, especially, to payment processes through external collaborators (Paypal, toditopagos, etc.). In this sense, we make your data available for marketing purposes, as well as for the development and improvement of our games. These external companies are obliged to treat your data in a safe and confidential manner, and can only use them to the extent that the fulfillment of your task requires it. Service providers are only authorized to process the personal data of users of this offer online in accordance with our explicit instructions.
Storage / Retention Period
We store your data for as long as necessary for the provision of our online offer and its associated services, or if we have a legitimate interest in retaining them. In all other cases, we will delete your personal information, except for what we need to keep due to contractual or statutory requirements (eg taxes or commercial purposes, such as invoices). Contractual retention periods may also occur for contracts with third parties (as holders of copyright and secondary copyright). We will block any data that is subject to a retention period until its expiration.
Google Analytics
This website uses the Google Analytics web analysis service and Google Analytics reports for the evaluation of interests and demographic data. These are services of Google Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics uses the so-called "cookies", text files that are stored on your computer and that allow an analysis of your use of the web. The information generated through cookies about your use of this website is transmitted and is usually stored on a Google server in the USA. UU. If the anonymization of the IP is activated on this website, Google shortens your IP address within the Member States of the European Union or in other States that have previously ratified the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the US. UU. and will shorten there. By order of the operator of this website, Google will use that information to analyze your use of it, in order to collect reports on the activities of the website and provide other services related to the use of the website and the use of the Internet at operator. The operator of this website will evaluate data obtained through Google advertising related to the interests of users or with data from third-party visitors (eg age, sex and interests) to obtain more information about its users. In this way, the data is not used personally, but simply for a statistical evaluation of the anonymized data. The IP address transmitted by your browser through Google Analytics will not be related to other Google data. You can prevent the saving of cookies if you configure it in your browser, but we warn you that, in that case, you may not be able to use all the functions of this website. In this sense, you can prevent Google from registering and processing the data generated by cookies and related to your use of the website (including the IP address) by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available at the following link: http: // If you want to regulate or prevent the evaluation of your interests and demographic data, you can disable Google Analytics for display advertising and customize the ads on the Google Display Network: You may not be able to use all the features of this website. In this sense, you can prevent Google from registering and processing the data generated by cookies and related to your use of the website (including the IP address) by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available at the following link: http: // If you want to regulate or prevent the evaluation of your interests and demographic data, you can disable Google Analytics for display advertising and customize the ads on the Google Display Network: You may not be able to use all the features of this website. In this sense, you can prevent Google from registering and processing the data generated by cookies and related to your use of the website (including the IP address) by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available at the following link: http: // If you want to regulate or prevent the evaluation of your interests and demographic data, you can disable Google Analytics for display advertising and customize the ads on the Google Display Network: You can prevent Google from registering and processing the data generated by cookies and related to your use of the website (including the IP address) by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available at the following link: com / dlpage / gaoptout. If you want to regulate or prevent the evaluation of your interests and demographic data, you can disable Google Analytics for display advertising and customize the ads on the Google Display Network: You can prevent Google from registering and processing the data generated by cookies and related to your use of the website (including the IP address) by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available at the following link: com / dlpage / gaoptout. If you want to regulate or prevent the evaluation of your interests and demographic data, you can disable Google Analytics for display advertising and customize the ads on the Google Display Network:
If you access this website through a mobile device (smartphone, tablet, etc.), you can prevent the use of your data by Google by clicking on a separate link in the window shown.
Online advertising based on use
Advertising on our online products is optimized according to an estimate of your interests through anonymous collection and processing of usage data. To do this, external companies store cookies on your computer on our behalf, which collect usage data, for example, while browsing the pages of this online offer or when you click on the advertising. In this way, we can analyze your use of online advertising and make available ads that may be of interest to you and adapt to your preferences (online advertising based on usage). In no case are personal data, such as name, postal address or email address saved. IP addresses are anonymized to exclude any type of personal reference.
If you want to stop receiving online advertising based on use, you can avoid setting and saving cookies in your browser settings.
On the other hand, we authorize third parties, for example, media agencies, to set cookies to analyze the use of online advertising and to be able to present in our online offer the most interesting ads for you and that adapt to your preferences. In this way, media agencies can target the target audience of their advertisers as accurately as possible and without large losses due to divergence. To achieve this, anonymous user statistics are generated and the data obtained is used in market research. These data do not refer to specific people.
Social media plugins
Our website contains references (links) to the external social network called Facebook. This website is managed exclusively by Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA (Facebook).
Within our website, these references are recognized by the Facebook logo or the symbol “I like it” or “I don't like it” (no Facebook plugin is used).
If these references are clicked, the Facebook plugins are activated and the browser will create a direct connection to the Facebook servers.
If during the visit to our page, the user clicks on the references and is connected to Facebook with his personal account, the information that the user has visited our website will be transmitted to Facebook. Facebook can assign the website visit to your account.
This information is transmitted to Facebook and this company saves them. To avoid this, you must disconnect from the Facebook account before clicking on the reference. The functions assigned to the Facebook reference, especially the transmission of information and user data, are not activated by visiting our page, but by clicking on the corresponding reference.
The purpose and dimensions of data collection through Facebook, as well as the processing and use of data within said company, and the corresponding right and possibility of adjusting them to protect your private sphere, are governed by agreement. to the data usage policy of Facebook (
If you have more questions about the collection, processing or use of your personal data, as well as if you want to find out about such data in this regard, rectify, block or delete it, please contact us.
We offer you the possibility to log in through Facebook Connect to enjoy our services. To do this, you will be redirected to the Facebook page, where you can log in with your Facebook user data so that your Facebook profile is linked to our services. With this link, the following data will be transmitted or accessed (depending on your Facebook settings): name, date of birth and email address.
We will only use this data for the purpose of identification and execution of the contract. You will get more information about Facebook Connect and the privacy settings by consulting the data protection policy and the terms of use of Facebook Inc.
Our website also uses the “+1” function of the Google Plus social network, managed by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States (“Google”). The button is recognized by the “+1” sign with a white or colored background.
When visiting a page of our website that contains this function, the browser will create a direct connection with Google's servers. Google transmits the content of the “+1” function directly to the browser and links it to the website. Therefore, we cannot influence the volume of data that Google collects with that function, although we assume that the IP address is also transmitted.
The purpose and dimensions of data collection through Google, as well as the processing and use of data within that company, and the corresponding right and possibility of adjusting them to protect your private sphere, are governed by agreement. to Google’s data usage policy
If you are a member of Google Plus and do not want Google to collect data about you through our website or link to member data stored in Google, you must log out of Google Plus before visiting our website.
Informatic security
To avoid misuse of the services we provide, we collect and process, with the help of a computer security service provider and through cookies and tracking technologies and anonymously, specific data about the terminal equipment used by the user ("Device-specific data"), raw data of the TCP / IP connection and data on the use of our website.
To do this, the IP address is first collected and processed, which is encrypted after a few seconds. No personal data is collected or stored. The information is stored in a database of the computer security service provider for fraud prevention.
If you formalize a paid contract through our website or start the formalization of a paid contract (eg at the beginning of the payment process), we consult a risk assessment in the database of the computer security service provider deposited in it for the terminal used by you.
The risk assessment aims, among others, to base the decision on whether a paid contract is executed.
At the moment we have proof that a user has misused the services we provide or has tried, we will send the collected data to the computer security service provider. Again, only device-specific data is communicated, and not personal data.
Right to revoke and delete data
If you have given us your consent to the processing of your personal data, you can revoke it at any time.
We delete your personal data to the extent that these are no longer necessary or if you have requested it. Please note that the data cannot be deleted when there are legal or other requirements to store them or when we still need them for the collection of our services.
Information on data protection, information display and correction, deletion or blocking of data
To ask general questions related to this privacy statement and data protection or to correct, block or delete your private data in accordance with legal provisions, please contact by email or with a comment including your user ID, username , email address and, if necessary, your copy of the game. LINK You can contact us or with the person responsible for data protection through the contact details at the beginning of This privacy statement.
Right of appeal to the regulatory body
You have the right to file a complaint with a data protection authority. You can contact the data protection authority corresponding to your place of residence or region
Security provisions and technical information
All our employees receive training in data protection on a regular basis and are fully committed. Our computer center and our internal PED department are constantly adapting technical safety precautions to current conditions and requirements. However, Internet technologies may have security gaps that do not guarantee absolute protection, so users can send us their data through other means, such as telephone or fax.
The following technical information will allow you to adjust the privacy settings in your browser.
For more information, visit:
For more information, visit:
For more information, visit:
For more information, visit:
Date of this version: 07/22/2019